Corruption Profiles

Explore detailed reports on individuals and their corrupt activities.

a person holding a cell phone with a bar code on it
a person holding a cell phone with a bar code on it
a person riding a bicycle down a busy street
a person riding a bicycle down a busy street
A man standing on a sidewalk holding a sign
A man standing on a sidewalk holding a sign
a pair of scissors and a roll of money on a table
a pair of scissors and a roll of money on a table

About Durniti: Transparency in Corruption

Durniti is dedicated to exposing corruption by providing detailed profiles of corrupt individuals, their activities, and the impact on society through a user-friendly and informative portfolio website.

a person holding a stack of cash
a person holding a stack of cash



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Explore the geographical context of corruption, highlighting regions affected by corrupt individuals and their activities, fostering awareness and accountability.


Global Corruption Hotspots


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